Monday, January 14, 2013


Our first class was very interesting! I am really excited to jump into Ed Psych because I think it is going to strengthen my skills and provide me with new knowledge for being a future educator. I am very interested in Motivation. I know this is one of the first topics in our class that we will cover, and I think it will be very interesting. Growing up, I had a hard time staying motivated in school until I came across some amazing teachers who really helped me thrive and changed my view of school forever. I am really interested in understanding the different types of motivation because I think it is so incredible how students think, and how different motivation can effect them differently. An article "Punished By Rewards: The Trouble with Gold Stars, Incentive Plans, A's, Praise and Other Bribes" by David Rouse, Rouse discusses Behaviorism and the idea of "doing something for something". I find this to be extremely interesting because I feel as if a lot of children fall under the cateogory of behavorism in one way or another. Who doesn't want a Gold star? Rouse states that "the behaviorism system will fail eventually in one's life. In the workplace good employees do a good job, and money isn't the point" (Rosue).  He states "pay is not the motivator, rewards discourage risk taking, incentive systems tend to reward short term performance" (Rouse). He continues to develop a theory in which he " believes intrinsic motivation is the most gratifying, and lasts the longest" (Rosue). I am interested to go deeper. I do think that rewards like Gold stars and stickers are great, and I am not against rewards, but I would like to learn more about intrisic motivations. I would like to see if there are ways that I as the teacher can help guide my students towards that motivation! I am very curious about motivation because I feel as if it is a major key to being a successful teacher. I know it is easier said than do, but I am very interested about learning the psychology behind these motivations, and hopefully understading them better so I can help apply them in my classroom.

Rouse, David. "Punished By Rewards: The Trouble with Gold Stars, Incentive Plans, A's, Praise and Other Bribes". 15 Oct 1993: 396+. Professional Collection.


  1. Christina,
    I will be following your blog for the semester.
    I really liked the quote you mentioned from the article about how "the behaviorism system will fail eventually in one's life." While stickers and things like that are good in the short run, I totally agree that students need to have intrinsic motivations in order to be successful in the long run. Students will not always have someone bribing them to work hard once they are out in the real world. They need to be internally motivated to work hard and be successful.

  2. Christina. I am going to follow your blog for she semester, you should be excited! ha. In regards to experiences with motivation in school I find my elementary school experiences to be in the same boat you describe. I found it hard to be motivated in school, but with the help of some amazing teachers my view of school was changed too. So I really understand what you are talking about in that sense and that encouraged me to go into teaching.
